
Une petite fille, cheveux au vent, qui survole la ville accrochée à un parasol


Antibes, France


I realized this mural artwork in the city of Antibes Juan-Les-Pins for Coul’Heures d’Automne international art festival, that aims to promote urban art by involving residents every year in a set of creative processes through the organization of different events such as mural performances, activities, participatory workshops and meetings across the city.

My mural artwork is located few steps away from the shore of the french riviera, a slice of land suspended between the green and the blue of the sea, a place where people gather from all over the world to enjoy and to find peace in beauty.

The residents of the building moved their strings to made it happen by proposing the available surface, and the festival, matched my personality to their feelings.
I ended up creating this little cammeo on this beautiful land by talking to them, see how they live, experiencing it through their eyes.

And it turned out to be a little poem of a dream :
flying among the seagulls above the city with a summer umbrella.