
Soltar Papagaio


Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil


“The good thing about the kite is not showing it to others, it’s individually feeling it, while it delivers to the sky our messages”

“O bom da pipa, não é mostrar aos outros, è sentir individualmente a pipa, dando ao céu o recado da gente.”

Carlos Drummond De Andrade.

Inspired by the opera of Drummond, considered the greatest Brazilian poet of all time whose birth place was Itabira, I’ve decided to represent through my visions few of his words.

This massive mural located in his mining home town, it’s part of a biggest project curated by Mapa Festival and in my case, in strict collaboration with the Italian Consulate in Belo Horizonte.

Photo credits

Thiago Santos Martins