Coração Cheio
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
I realized this mural in Laghoina’s neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, in collaboration with the Italian Consulate in Belo Horizonte during the “Giornata del contemporaneo 2023” and produced by Pùblica Art
The mural is located at the entrance of Laghoina’s neighborhood, an area that has always been considered the heart of the city and the place from where Belo Horizonte started to develop.
Moreover Laghoina has been historically known for being also the first neighborhood where Italian immigrants arrived at the beginning of the last century.
Nowadays unfortunately the whole area is passing through a phase of lack of institutional presence and it’s mostly known for its recycling system which is carried, in inhuman conditions, by the majority of its in inhabitants.
A full heart dragged in the city as a symbol of its reality and at the same time as a wish to make it beats loud again.
Photo credits
Thiago Santos Martins